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Vacation Packages

All Inclusive Vacation Packages

Today’s travelling experience has changed a lot compared to what our parents and grandparents experienced when they were young. Additionally the economic situation all around the world made us think twice about how we spend our money. It’s common to hear people complaining about how something wasn’t worth its price. All of these facts led businesses in the traveling industry to come up with solutions that will satisfy everyone, including those who count their last penny.

Some history
The first thing you need to know is that an all inclusive package was first created by the French corporation Club Med in the 1950s. The first location was opened on the Island of Mallorca, and thanks to Baron Edmond de Rothschild it soon expanded. Each location chose a series of services to be offered as a package for a price. However, the very first location also operated on this model.

Packages nowadays
The all inclusive vacation packages we have nowadays use the same system. However, each hotel or accommodation business has its own package. This can be very confusing and even irritating for the newest tourists.

The all inclusive package usually contains the price for the room, hotel taxes, 3 meals a day, access to various activities on the hotel’s or resort’s premises, and airport transfers. Some hotels include the drinks, tips, and other perks in their packages. The rule of thumb says that the more luxurious the hotel is, the more services are included in the all inclusive package.

Don’t forget
Most hotels with a website will have a short presentation of each room as well as of the features that are offered for free. It is possible for some vacation packages to have various restrictions. As a future guest you should always ask before hand what exactly is included in the price and what is not included. If there is a specific aspect you’re worried about, such as free internet access or tipping the staff, it is better to ask as to avoid embarrassing situations at the end of your stay.