Red-eye flight survival guide

If you are used to long plane trips, you probably got a red eye more than once. But how can you survive this unpleasant experience, and are there any tips to avoid it? There are a few things you can do in order to minimize the damage and be more comfortable.

First of all, a good idea is to book a nonstop flight instead of a connection one. You will not have to sleep in the airport feeling uncomfortable, which might minimize the chances of a red eye. Furthermore, you might want to get a plane seat that will help you get more rest. If you are uncomfortable while on the plane, you will not rest well and thus increase the chance of a red eye. You can also bring a pillow or maybe use your jacket as one, if you need to sleep better.

When you go on a long plane trip, you might want to wear clothes that feel light and comfy. This will help you get better rest and feel more fresh upon landing. Choose cotton or natural fabrics over synthetic ones, and make sure the clothing is not too tight. Loose clothes are the best choice for long plane trips.

If you know you got red eye before, you can also come prepared and make sure it doesn’t happen again. Bring a kit with you which can include an eye mask, but also a pair of socks if you’re feeling cold. If you need even more comfort, you can also bring a light blanket to cover yourself with as well as headphones to muffle the noise. All these items will help you get better rest and thus minimizing the chances or red eye.

People who often travel could invest into a comfortable pillow that is specifically designed for plane trips. These usually have a different shape than regular sleeping pillows, and whole your body to get more rest while you fly. Do some research in order to learn more about the best brands and make an informed decision on the pillow you will buy.

Even though it is necessary to keep hydrated, you may want to limit your liquid intake while you fly. You most likely don’t want to go to the bathroom every 30 minutes, especially on a long flight when you should get some rest. Have water wit you but don’t drink anymore with 2 hours before the flight takes off.

If you need medication to keep you going, you can look into natural alternatives like plants and teas. Long flights are always stressful, and a relaxing tea or even a sleeping pill could make the experience more bearable on your body.

All these tips may help you survive your flight without becoming too exhausted. No one feels very comfortable on a long flight, but you can make things easier on yourself by following these simple rules. These will help you not feel the jet lag so strongly and enjoy the first days of your vacation to their fullest.