
Everyone dreams of visiting Rome one day. In fact, this city is a major inclusion in most European tours. Rich history, amazing architecture, and magnificent sceneries await you there. These are just some of the attractions this top tourist destination has to offer.
Places to See
Colosseum – What used to be a grand arena where gladiators show their bravery and where executions and other public spectacles were held is now an eerie remain of the glorious past of the Roman Empire. Still, you will not help but feel the vibrant shouts, cheers, and speeches that once filled this place. The Colosseum is, indeed, a magnificent structure that represents a once powerful nation.
Trevi Fountain – It is said that tossing a coin in this fountain will make your wish come true. More than that old tradition, this fountain is in fact a feast to the eyes with its great sculptures and design that you will never get tired of taking a photo of the whole structure.
St. Peter’s Basilica – The Renaissance period produced great names in the field of art and St. Peter’s Basilica Church is a standing proof of all these masterpieces. You will see here the works of Michelangelo, Bernini, Maderno, and Bramante, not to mention that it is regarded as one of the holiest Catholic sites.
Things to Do
Eating Tours – Enjoy Italian cuisine in this tour that includes about four hours of food tasting and a walk around the historic neighborhood. This is the best gastronomical experience you will ever have in your lifetime.
Bike Tour – Enjoy touring around the ancient monuments, grand churches, and fancy shopping blocks through a bike ride that is led by a fun and knowledgeable guide. Touring Rome by bike is a great way to get into small alleyways that have big surprises for every visitor of the city.
Be a Gladiator – There are gladiator schools in Rome that will teach you how to fight like a gladiator so that you can experience what it is like to be a Roman soldier. Get your adrenaline rush from this short but fun experience.