The best foods to pack for your next camping trip
- By Mary.A
- Vacations
If you like to go camping chances are that you will have a limited access to electricity and a fridge. This aspect alone will make you think twice about the food you can bring along as your options will be limited. You should already know that some foods will last for longer if cooked beforehand, so you might want to consider this aspect as well.
To help you decide which are the best foods to pack for your next camping trip, yo need to first keep in mind the duration of your trip. The next step is to try and decide a menu for each day, make a list of the ingredients you need, and then it's time to go shopping. The menu for the day should include all three meals and 2 snacks, and should of course cover everyone coming along. Thinking up a menu means you'll be cooking as well, therefore you must bring just enough cooking utensils to help you cook everything, while keeping in mind what will you cook over.
Salt, onion, and oil
Unless you're forbidden to eat salt, or you chose not to eat it, you better not forget it at home as you'll be sorry. If you bring salt you should also bring some condiments to season whatever you cook. If you and your family like to eat onion you should definitely bring it as it lasts a very long time at room temperature and not only. The same goes for garlic. If you're going to cook you'll most likely need some oil as well, so don't leave it behind.
Various types of fruits and vegetables
You should pack both fresh and dried fruits. Apples, bananas, and oranges are popular fruits and last well outside of a fridge. They make god snack and breakfast options. If nobody is allergic to nuts, those can be taken along as well. Veggies don't really need to stay in the fridge anyways, but make sure you choose some that can be added into sandwiches or are easy to prepare.
Instant rice, oatmeal, and noodles
Instant rice is more expensive than regular rice, however it is a great filler for lunch. Instant oatmeal is really easy to prepare and a nice breakfast choice for many folks. Instant noodles are popular, cheap, and taste really good, therefore you should bring some. Additionally, bringing some pasta is also a good idea because it cooks fast and turns into a filling meal.
Various types of canned food
Tuna is a great option as it goes well in sandwiches. Some people like to mix it with pasta and rice as well, for a more intense flavor. Tinned beans will save you a lot of cooking time, and are generally quite good tasting too.
Hard cheese, cured meat, and boiled eggs
All these foods keep well even outside of a fridge and are good options for breakfast or snacks. Additionally, everyone can make their own sandwich with these food items.
All of these foods are good to bring on a vacation no matter the destination, not only when going camping. Bringing your own food to any place is a great way of saving some money as well.